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  • Virtual Family Prayer Bag

    Published 15/12/21

    Here is an electronic version of our Prayer Bag for Christmas Day.

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  • Wellbeing Video

    Published 15/12/21

    This is the perfect video for the last week of term!  The best medicine - A smile that bursts, an instant holiday, a day not wasted, music to the soul and the cheapest, most available medicine in the world...

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  • Get Animated! Northants

    Published 15/12/21

    Educraft and North Northamptonshire County Council invite children and young people to learn exciting new skills in free 4-hour computing workshops at The Victoria Centre - Wellingborough over the Christmas holidays. 

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  • Northamptonshire Children's Trust Newsletter

    Published 10/12/21

    This newsletter is for all families in our local area.  Focusing on the work of partner agencies, the voluntary sector and social enterprises which support children and families.

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  • Musical performance

    Published 10/12/21

    We are so proud of our Cello players this week.  Sharing some of their recent music with an audience of Year 4.  

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  • The Feast Day of Our Lady Immaculate

    Published 08/12/21

    Our Lady Immaculate is the Patron Saint of our family of schools. We celebrate the special Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Find more information here.

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  • Wellbeing Video

    Published 08/12/21

    This week's Wellbeing Video looks at sadness, an often misunderstood emotion particularly in our highly 'filtered' social media world. We are taught that sadness is negative and triggered by external influences. How can we look at sadness differently? Are there any unexpected benefits of sadness?

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  • December Updates

    Published 02/12/21

    Dates and news for the last few weeks of December.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter for December 2021

    Published 02/12/21

    With Christmas just around the corner, we thought we would provide a little reminder about setting up appropriate parent controls for any new phones, consoles and games your child may receive.

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  • Wellbeing Video

    Published 01/12/21

    Our living spaces have grown over the years, but we are still filling up the space. We are consumers living in a consumer-led world. Where does it lead? Does less equal more?

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  • Wellbeing Video

    Published 25/11/21

    Is it time for us to accept that efficient multitasking is a myth? Find out why we should all be monotasking more, enabling us to limit our input in this golden age of sensory overload. 

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