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Catholic Mission in Action - Charitable Work

As a school community, it is important to us that we are able to support our own families and those of our wider community. We actively fundraise throughout the school year for a variety of charities such as our local Foodbank, CAFOD and the Christmas Caritas Appeal.

The Daylight Centre - Wellingborough

Food Bank Appeal Deadline: Friday 14th July 2023

Please be as generous as you can as we have many families in need! 

The Daylight Centre Fellowship was established in 1994, registered in 2003 and ever since we have assisted disadvantaged and vulnerable adults particularly rough sleepers, vulnerably housed, those in poverty and those who are socially isolated. As such, we are at the very forefront of social action within Wellingborough and the surrounding areas.

Our last visit to the foodbank was just before Easter, where we dropped off all of your donations and all the 80 Easter Eggs that we managed to buy with the 40p donations! 


Caritas Vector Logo - (.SVG + .PNG) - GetVectorLogo.Com


Caritas shares the mission of the Catholic Church to serve the poor and to promote charity and justice throughout the world.

Faith in action

We are inspired by the Gospels, by the teachings of the Catholic Church and by the hopes of people living in poverty. We encourage everyone to respond to humanitarian disasters, to promote integral human development and to advocate on the causes of poverty and violence. We animate Catholic communities and all people of good will in solidarity with the suffering of their brothers and sisters around the world.

CAFOD - Catholic Parishes of Monmouth & Ross-on-Wye

What does CAFOD do?

We are an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

We reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. Through our global Church network, one of the largest in the world, we have the potential to reach everyone. And we campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.


The Royal British Legion

Our support is a lifeline for thousands of serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.

The Royal British Legion is working hard to support the most vulnerable in our society, be it older veterans that we care for, those who suffer from social isolation, or those who are simply overwhelmed by the challenges associated with the cost-of-living crisis.


If you need support with food items, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Bedford, who can arrange a discreet collection.


Our Foodbank Friday Rap - written by the children of Our Lady's:

Food Bank Friday


Our School Mission Statement

Is so blatant

It’s ‘Love one another

As I have loved you.’


And giving to the foodbank

Is the easiest thing to do.

By caring for others

And putting them first,

We can help solve hunger

And more importantly thirst.


Food Bank Friday

Food Bank Friday


Our School Mission Statement

Is so blatant

It’s ‘Love one another

As I have loved you.’


The items can come in

Any day of the week.

To support the community

Whose outlook is bleak.

It might go to a family,

Who need to eat.

Or it could support a person,

Who lives on the street.


Foodbank Friday