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NORES, the Northampton Diocesan Office for RE, Evangelisation, Catechesis and Schools


The Diocese offers guidance as to how Catholic schools and academies should conduct themselves so as to live out the vision we have for educating our young people. 

This vision is contained in the document called Our Catholic Schools.

Guidance documents explain how the diocese looks for schools and academies to act in terms of:

  • Building and sustaining Catholic ethos and life in our schools and academies
  • Promoting spiritual, moral social and cultural development in the Catholic tradition
  • Delivering the religious education curriculum
  • Organising the school as an institution especially as regards admission of pupils and appointment of staff
  • Maintaining and developing the buildings and resources of our schools and academies 
  • How a school evaluates its own worth as a Catholic school and how this is inspected and validated 

Schools and Academies

  • Represents the Trustee to Government, DfE, and Local Authorities in terms of current and future provision, building projects, legal, statutory and finance issues
  • Directs the development of the academy provision across the diocese
  • Liaises with the Trustee and Diocesan Finance Office for our schools
  • Liaises with Local Authorities and EFA in areas of finance (LCVAP), buildings, admissions, HR issues (especially appointments, grievance and capability)
  • Liaises with consultants and professionals in building projects, their planning and implementation
  • Appoints and supports Foundation Governors, Academy Foundation Directors and Representatives
  • Offers training to all governors and directors especially in the area of Catholic ethos and Catholic education
  • Works with our schools and academies, other dioceses and CES to provide training for future Catholic leaders for our schools
  • Liaises with CES and Diocesan Schools Commissioners as part of the whole provision of Catholic education in England and Wales

Religious Education

  • Visits and supports staff teaching religious education at all phases
  • Organises meetings for Primary RE Coordinators and Secondary Heads of Department
  • Provides INSET meetings as required
  • Organises annual conferences
  • Represents the Trustee at all major appointments for religious education
  • Communicates national developments and initiatives
  • Contributes to Religious Education nationally as members of the National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisers
  • With the Liturgy Commission offers courses for liturgy with young people

Chaplaincy and Pastoral Support

  • Liaises with all chaplaincy staff in schools, academies and tertiary education
  • Provides support and training for all chaplaincy staff
  • Offers opportunities for reflection and training to support staff in schools and academies
  • Represents the Trustee at all chaplaincy appointments
  • Liaises with Association of Catholic Chaplains in Education and the network of Diocesan Chaplaincy Coordinators
  • Promotes and develops programmes and systems of pastoral care, e.g.“Rainbows”