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  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Newsletter Issue 8 - Summer 2024

    Published 19/07/24

    News, photographs and dates for your diary!

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  • Stay Connected Newsletter Summer 2024

    Published 18/07/24

    Stay Connected Summer 2024

    We would like to share the link above to Stay Connected. This newsletter focuses on all the amazing events, clubs and groups that families, children and young people can access across the county that are free or affordable to attend. Check for updates with so much happening in the summer break in our area. They keep adding events and activities, you just need to revisit to check for updates. 

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  • Local Summer Holiday Activities

    Published 12/07/24

    With the summer holidays just around the corner, we wanted to share some useful resources with our school community. 

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  • Lask Summer Holiday Club

    Published 03/07/24

    Lask, our wrap-around care have a holiday club during the summer holiday.  Our school children can be booked online:

    See more information on the flyer download below.

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  • After School Clubs - September 2024

    Published 03/07/24

    See the new flyer from Super Star Sports with their after school clubs starting September 10th to 25th October.

    Book direct online: Super Start Sports After School Club.

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  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Newsletter Issue 7 - June 2024

    Published 21/06/24

    News, photographs and dates for your diary!

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  • ​​​​​​​Newsletter Issue 6 - May 2024

    Published 24/05/24

    News and dates for your diary!

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  • Lask May Holiday Club

    Published 22/05/24

    Lask, one of our after school clubs, have a holiday club during the May break.  Our school children can be booked on by using the download below.

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  • Let's get active!

    Published 15/05/24

    Have a look at the calendar from Healthy Schools North Northamptonshire, supporting let's get active during May.

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  • ​​​​​​​Newsletter Issue 5 - May 2024

    Published 15/05/24

    News and dates for your diary!

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  • News from Mr Bonner

    Published 28/03/24

    A Year of Prayer

    Pope Francis has asked that 2024 be a Year of Prayer.   Children from Years 5 and 6 have had an opportunity to write a prayer and intercessions from personal needs to helping victims of war.  There have been prayers of praise, thanks, sorrow and petitions of care for family members and whole nations.  After the Easter holiday children from every year group will have a chance to write a prayer and these will be offered as part of our Offertory gifts during Mass on Tuesday's.

    Live Simply Lenten Pledges 

    During our Ash Wednesday Mass, every class brought up to the sanctuary, as part of the offertory gifts, our ‘Lenten Pledges’ as part of the CAFOD campaign to ‘Live Simply.’  Every child in the school has been given an opportunity to make a pledge and share them in their class.  Displayed in the KS1 hall are some of the pledges embracing the church teachings to:

    Live Simply; Live Sustainably and Live in Solidarity.

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